Most commonly asked question about Felix and our services
How does the Felix visit work?
How quickly will a healthcare practitioner review my online visit?
Do I need to complete my online visit at a scheduled time?
I completed my online visit. Now what?
How do I renew my Felix prescription?
How much does a renewal visit cost?
Can I just get the medication and skip the online visit?
Does the online visit require a phone or video visit?
I am moving from one province to another, what should I do?
What do I do if my package was returned to Felix?
How many days do I have to notify you of an undelivered or lost package, or damaged medication?
When is my medication shipped?
How much does it cost for shipping my medication?
What courier do you use for shipping?
Do I have to be home to receive my package?
What happens if there isn’t anyone available for the delivery?
I received an email with a tracking number but it doesn't seem to be working!
Can I return medication?
When will I receive my backordered medication?
Do I still have to pay if the drug I selected is on backorder?
I don’t want to wait to receive the backordered drug I selected, what should I do?
Do I need to sign for my package?
Which Post Office was my package taken to?
Canada Post Strike
Why is my prescription on hold?
Can I get this delivered directly to a post office?
Cold Chain Shipping: Are my temperature sensitive medications safe in transit?
What does your medical team do?
Who are the practitioners that will be reviewing my online visit?
I’ve been using the prescribed medication but have some questions regarding side effects. What should I do?
Can I see the same Felix practitioner after my initial assessment?
Can you refer me to a psychiatrist or psychologist?
How much is the online visit?
How much is the medication?
When am I charged?
Why do I see a transaction on my credit card for my denied online visit?
Why can’t I see medication prices on the website?
What is the pharmacy fill fee?
How do I change my credit card information?
How does the pricing for over-the-counter products work?
Where can I find my visit, medication and or/ tax receipt(s)?
Is the medication covered by my insurance or provincial health plans?
I didn’t have insurance when I first got my prescription, but now I have it. What do I do?
I uploaded my insurance information during my online visit but still see a cost for the medication in my profile.
I forgot to upload my insurance information before my first fill was charged. What can I do now?
Insurance Special Authorization Forms: Can my Felix doctor or nurse fill out additional forms from my insurance provider?
Insurance and billing